

Iaac Global Summer school / Summer 2018


Urban environments and architectural spaces are getting “smarter” as they are collecting and then responding to the data which comes out of the life and acts of citizens. In fact, this connected network of people and information, supported by data clouds and further on data mining, provides infrastructure to prepare better services and make our cities better places. We started to investigate this phenomenon, but through an approach, influenced by the Disney Pixar animation movie, Inside-Out, with focus on people’s feelings. Our idea was to detect human feelings, say happiness, sadness, anger… were our ingredients in this experimental work. Now we aim to push it one step further and look at some other human factors which are important for the life of happy and healthy citizens.


Iaac + Tehran Platform


Global summer school


Summer 2018

Brief & Idea.

We are eager to collect and analyses data regarding people's health as well as happiness. To 'digitise' health related factors, using different type of sensor and instruments which could be embedded into loT devices. There are various ways that one could collect data in this field, our idea is through 'game'. We aim to design a complicated process of playing, interacting, discovering, hiding, acting, in order to engage people in activities for further observation. Through designing games embedded in architectural and urban spaces, we want to increase the engagement of people in data-collecting processes that eventually will provide analysed data for their own good.

Technical Design.

This social instrument, consist of two types of boards working simultaneously. Arduino Uno which operates the blinking & bare conductive touch board.

The bare conductive touch board can turn touch into sound and make your project interactive.


The cloud as a Social Instrument.

By touching the sensors, after the lights stop fading, the connected lights to your sensor will start blinking. The blinking pattern is similar to the pattern of your heart beat. (visualizing heart beat)

Plus, the pulse sensor will affect the rhythm of sound your heart by changing it.

On the other hand, while people are playing with the social instruments the sensor will record people’s heart beats and will store it for further analyses.

Data Collecting/General Health.

By touching the sensors, after the lights stop fading, the connected lights to your sensor will start blinking. The blinking pattern is similar to the pattern of your heart beat. (visualizing heart beat)

Plus, the pulse sensor will affect the rhythm of sound your heart by changing it.On the other hand, while people are playing with the social instruments the sensor will record people’s heart beats and will store it for further analyses.


Bringing Alive.


The aim of this project is to illustrate how technology can provide us the opportunity of giving life to an installation.

People will experience giving life in a new way by producing sound and light through their heartbeat.