
Design of The Research Pavilion Using Bending-Active system and Structure

Master thesis /Iran University of Science and Technology/ summer 2021


One of the main and distinguished features of research in architecture is not only answering the research questions in a methodical way but also the acquisition of knowledge based on built projects. In this way, a constructed project can be a catalyst for new findings that is beyond the knowledge of other fields involved in construction process. Pavilions are especially suitable for this kind of research because as their role as a temporary structures, they provide the chance to response to especial questions without obtaining the functional and structural requirements. In this way the hypotheses can be tested and then findings can be used in designing of permanent structures. So, pavilions are not only tools for testing materials and practical methods but also models for thinking about and new learnings can be found and can also ask new questions for investigations.




Computational Design 


Summer 2021

Brief & Idea.

Compliant Mechanisms show a good and practical technique of advanced forming with flexible materials and also show structural principles of active moment resisting structures. The basic items of designing lightweight structures lead to more stable architectures that can adapt and coexist with reduced impact on the environment. The key aspect of these structures is reaching maximum performance with the lowest use of material and energy. The performance of tolerating load pressure is basically arises from geometric shape of structure. However the problem is that this geometry can only be estimated through form optimization process and it is called form finding and it needs changing methods of computer modeling in architecture.

Bending-Active System

In this thesis, after studying preliminary concepts of bending active structures and introducing their types, the pavilion is introduced as a suitable platform for designing and executing these structures.